prosze o sprawdzenie bledów w liście. jestes w londynie na wymianie napisz list do kolezanki z która zamieniłaś sie- ona mieszka u ciebie ty u niej 120-150 słów *opisz swoje pierwsze wrażenie dotyczace miasta i pokoju kolezanki *opowiedz jak ukladaja sie stosunki z jej rodzicami i opisz pierwsza kolacje *popros o zaopiekowanie sie papuga i opsz jak to zrobić * zapytaj sie o jej samopoczucie i wyraz nadzieje ze jest tak samo zadowaolona z wymiany jak ty Hi jenifer! How are you in Poland? Is everythink fine? IM writing to tell you how fantastic i feel in londonand your house. The first impression HOW MAKE ME(?) this city was wonderfull.London is beatifuul place. There are a lot of frendly people, who often helps me in difficuls situations. what more- your room is very cosy, so i feel like in home. your parents and sisters are kind of me. they are help me find suitable way in new for me city. i always will be remember the first supper when i arrived in new place and your parents walcome me as somebody with family. Ihave got request to you. Can you take care of ma parrot? She doesnt need a lot of time. it will be good if you change the water once of weeks and twice a day give her a food. sometimes shoul do clean a cage.. it dont be a problem? And what do you feel in my country and my family? I hope tahat you are feel the same like me- that mean- wonderfull nd you are satistacted to an axchange. tace care of you! xyz
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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everythink - everything
IM- I'm
londonand- London and
The first impression about
there are ... frIendly
difficuls - difficult
they are help me find suitable way in new for me city- they are helping me to find suitable way in city new for me
i always will be remember - i will forever remember- ja bym to zrobił tak (a to be jes zbyteczne)
it will be good if you change the water once of weeks- once a week
sometimes shoul do clean- sometimes you should clean
it dont be a problem- it won't be a problem for you?
And what do you feel in my country and my family?- what do you feel about
I hope tahat you are feel the same like me- i hope you feel as good as I do.
you are satistacted- you are satisfied
axchange- exchange
tace care- drugi raz ten sam błąd- take care TAKE!
Zakłam, że dużo z tych błędów też to są czyste literówki, dlatego nie poprawiałem każdego wyrazu :)
Mały błąd w imieniu Jennifer :)
welcome- a nie walcome