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w Szwajcarii jest super co dzienni chodzimy do parku biegać w ramach rozgrzewki a nastepnie idziemy na boisko. Po treningu jemy drugie śniadanie chodzimy zawsze do restauracj.Po południu Mamy czas dla siebie,aż do obiadu. Po obiedzie zazwyczaj idziemy na jakieś zawody sportowe , na których oglądamy innych zawodników .Następnie organizujemy swoje mini zawody.Po kolackii idziemy do swoich pokoi i mamy czas dla siebie .Niestety nie tak długo bo jest cisza nocna.Ten obóz jest wspaniały bardzo dobrze się tu czuję Może na przyszły rok pojedziemy na ten obóz razem.Uwierz mi, jestniesamowita atmosfera i jest świetne.
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Switzerland is a great every day we go to the park to run in the warm-up and then we go on the pitch. After training, we go eat lunch always restaurant.Po pm We have time for yourself until dinner. After lunch we usually go to some sports where watching other players. Then organize their mini contest.Po supper go to their rooms and have time for yourself. Unfortunately, as long as there is silence night.Ten camp is a wonderful very well here Maybe I'll go next year for this camp together.Believe me, is amazing and the atmosphere is great.
Daj naj pls ;) Nie robilem z tlumacza ;P
It's awesome here, in Switzerland, everyday, we run in a park as a warm-up and then, we go to a court. After the workout, we eat the second breakfast, always in a restaurant. In afternoon we have some free time, until lunch. After the lunch, we usually go to some sport contests, where we watch the other players. Next we organise our mini-games. After a dinner, we go to our rooms and we have free time. Unfortunately not for so long, beacause there's a curfew.This camp is wonderful, I feel very well in here. Maybe for the next year we'll go to this camp together. Trust me, there's an amazing atmosphere and it's great.