Prosze o Pomoc !!! tłumacz na angielski* Tańczyliśmy i śpiewaliśmy całą noc . Mój mąż często gotuje w niedziele. Nigdy nie byłem w Londynie. Czytam bardzo ciekawą ksiązke na temat historii Anglii. Spózniłeś sie! Profesor już wyszedł .
We sanganddancedall night. My husband often cook in Sunday. I never been in London. I often read interesting book about history of England. You are too late. The professor has already way out.
We had been dancing and singing all night
My husband usually cooks on Sundays
I have never been to London
I am reading very intresting book about histry of England
You are late! Profesor had just came
We sanganddancedall night. My husband often cook in Sunday. I never been in London. I often read interesting book about history of England. You are too late. The professor has already way out.
W razie pytań proszę pisać :)
licże na naj.
pozdr, marsi ;)