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Szanowny Panie Dyrektorze
Z zainteresowaniem przeczytałam w "Gazecie Wrocławskiej" ogłoszenie o pracy w Pańskiej firmie. Wiem, że Hotel Plon jest jedną z najnowocześniejszych i najlepszych placówek w kraju. Dlatego proszę o rozważenie mojej kandydatury na stanowisko recepcjonistki w wyżej wymienionym Hotelu.
Sądzę, że moje wykształcenie oraz doświadczenie i umiejętności mogą być wykorzystane w pracy dla Pańskiej firmy. Jestem z wykształcenia technikiem hotelarzem, biegle władam językiem angielskim i niemieckim, i dodatkowo językiem rosyjskim w stopniu podstawowym oraz posiadam umiejętność obsługi urządzeń biurowych.
Mam zdolności organizacyjne - kierowanie samorządem szkolnym, kierowanie i organizacja przeglądu teatrów szkolnych, lubię pracę zespołową, ale doskonale sprawdzam się w pracy indywidualnej, nie mam problemów z adaptacją w nowym środowisku, jestem otwarta na nowe doświadczenia. Znam specyfikę pracy w hotelarstwie - odbyłam 4-miesięczną praktykę zawodową w hotelu będąc słuchaczką Policealnego Studium Hotelarskiego.
Do tej pory nie pracowałam zawodowo, dlatego pragnę swój zapał i energię wykorzystać w pracy w Hotelu Plon.
Jeżeli uzna Pan za interesującą moją ofertę, z przyjemnością zgłoszę się na rozmowę, w trakcie której mogę przedstawić szczegółowo moją kandydaturę.
I read with interest in the Gazeta Wroclaw 'notice of the work at your company. I know that the Hotel Yield is one of the most modern and best facilities in the country. So please consider my candidacy for the post of receptionist in that hotel.
I believe that my education and experience and skills can be used to work for your company. I am a trained technician hotelier, fluent in English and German, and Russian language in addition to a degree and have a basic ability to use office equipment.
I have organizational skills - management of local government school, leadership and organization of the review of the school theater, I like teamwork, but perfect for individual work, I have no problems adapting to a new environment, I'm open to new experiences. I know the specificity of employment in the hotel - took 4 months of work experience in the hotel being a listener post-secondary study hospitality.
So far not working professionally, because I want his talent and energy to use at work in the Hotel Plon.
If you consider to be interesting to my offer, I am pleased to submit to the conversation, during which I introduce my candidacy in detail.
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Dear Director I read with interest in the Gazeta Wroclaw notice of the work at your company. I know that the Hotel Yield is one of the most modern and best facilities in the country. So please consider my candidacy for the post of receptionist in the aforementioned hotel.
I believe that my education and experience and skills can be used to work for your company. I am a trained technician hotelier, fluent in English and German, and Russian language in addition to a degree and have a basic ability to use office equipment.
I have organizational skills - management of local government school, leadership and organization of the review of the school theater, I like teamwork, but perfect for individual work, I have no problems adapting to a new environment, open to new experiences. I know the specificity of employment in the hotel - took 4 months of work experience in the hotel being a listener post-secondary study hospitality.
So far not working professionally, because I want his talent and energy to use at work in the Hotel Plon.
If you consider to be interesting to my offer, I am pleased to submit to the conversation, during which I introduce my candidacy in detail.
I read with interest in the Gazeta Wroclaw 'notice of the work at your company. I know that the Hotel Yield is one of the most modern and best facilities in the country. So please consider my candidacy for the post of receptionist in that hotel.
I believe that my education and experience and skills can be used to work for your company. I am a trained technician hotelier, fluent in English and German, and Russian language in addition to a degree and have a basic ability to use office equipment.
I have organizational skills - management of local government school, leadership and organization of the review of the school theater, I like teamwork, but perfect for individual work, I have no problems adapting to a new environment, I'm open to new experiences. I know the specificity of employment in the hotel - took 4 months of work experience in the hotel being a listener post-secondary study hospitality.
So far not working professionally, because I want his talent and energy to use at work in the Hotel Plon.
If you consider to be interesting to my offer, I am pleased to submit to the conversation, during which I introduce my candidacy in detail.
I read with interest in the Gazeta Wroclaw notice of the work at your company. I know that the Hotel Yield is one of the most modern and best facilities in the country. So please consider my candidacy for the post of receptionist in the aforementioned hotel.
I believe that my education and experience and skills can be used to work for your company. I am a trained technician hotelier, fluent in English and German, and Russian language in addition to a degree and have a basic ability to use office equipment.
I have organizational skills - management of local government school, leadership and organization of the review of the school theater, I like teamwork, but perfect for individual work, I have no problems adapting to a new environment, open to new experiences. I know the specificity of employment in the hotel - took 4 months of work experience in the hotel being a listener post-secondary study hospitality.
So far not working professionally, because I want his talent and energy to use at work in the Hotel Plon.
If you consider to be interesting to my offer, I am pleased to submit to the conversation, during which I introduce my candidacy in detail.
Ewa Nowak