Prosze o Pomoc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mam dwa zadania z ang krotkie na zaliczenie semestru.... Błagam...
Zad 1 niedawno przeczytales ogloszenie w ktorym miedzynarodowa organizacja charytatywna zacheca mlodych ludzi z calego swita do wyjazdu do krajow rozwijajacych sie i pracy w ramach wolontariatu. napisz list w odpowiedzi na przeczytane ogloszenie
-określ cel i przedstaw się -napisz jakie problemy spoleczne szczegolnie cie interesuja i okresl rodzaj pracy ktora chcialabys w zwiazku z tym wykonywac
-poinformuj w jakim kraju i okresie czasu chcialabys pracowac -napisz jakie inne zalety mialaby dla ciebie praca wolontariusza (podaj dwa argumanty)
Witam! Postaram sie pomoc. Musisz zapamietac, ze w listach i pismach urzedowych nie piszemy skrutow typu I′m ; don′t etc. tylko w formie normalnej tzn. I am etc. Zwrot na poczatku oznacza, cos na ksztalt "Drogi Jacku" etc. ale w pismach urzedowych nie wiesz kto przeczta i piszesz ZAWSZE Szanowny Panie lub Pani (Dear sir or madam).
Dear Sir or Madam. 17th april 2010 I am writting to expres my opinion abaut your publication to work like volunteer. My name is (podajesz dane). I think that it is very good work, because you can help other people. Sometimes it just tiny thing to make happy another person. I want to get job in your ofice. I want go to Haiti and help to built a new school for children who live there. These children surviving tragedies and is our duty to help them. I am an architect so it is easier for me. I will make room and find other people who want to help me there. If you can, please write another publication and say about my proposition. I hope that many young people can to help us. I want to work like a volunteer because I want to help people and I think that I should do it if I can. It is really important to remeber that we are people too. I want to feel needed.
Yours sincerely : podpis.
Napisz prosze, czy mam przetlumaczyc to na polski. Powodzenia w szkole, trzymam kciuki. Mam wrazenie, ze zrobilam kilka bledow gramatycznych. Pozdrawiam!!!!
Dear Sir or Madam. 17th april 2010
I am writting to expres my opinion abaut your publication to work like volunteer. My name is (podajesz dane). I think that it is very good work, because you can help other people. Sometimes it just tiny thing to make happy another person.
I want to get job in your ofice. I want go to Haiti and help to built a new school for children who live there. These children surviving tragedies and is our duty to help them. I am an architect so it is easier for me. I will make room and find other people who want to help me there. If you can, please write another publication and say about my proposition. I hope that many young people can to help us.
I want to work like a volunteer because I want to help people and I think that I should do it if I can. It is really important to remeber that we are people too. I want to feel needed.
Yours sincerely : podpis.
Napisz prosze, czy mam przetlumaczyc to na polski.
Powodzenia w szkole, trzymam kciuki. Mam wrazenie, ze zrobilam kilka bledow gramatycznych.