Prosze o napisanie speecha (spicza), wykorzystując najlepiej w miare łatwe wyrazy w wymowie ;). Wystarczy jakies 10-12 zdań.
Temat : What can we do to protect our environment ?
Czyli temat dosyc łatwy, chodzi o napisanie jak mozna chronić środowisko, czyli nie wyrzucać śmieci, oszczędzać energie itp.
Pozdrawiam i czekam na szybkie rozwiazanie, czekaja pkt. za naj odp.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Nowadays our environmentis threatened.Peopledon't care, they livetheir lifes.The forestsare full ofrubbish dumps.This can causeextinctionof many valuablespecies of plantsand animals. It's very crucial to save our environment. There are many solutions to do so. Firstly, we need tosave water, notpolluteforestsand above all segregatewaste.We must protect the environments in which we work and liveforfuture generations, and alsofor the processesoccurringthere(photosynthesis).
Jak coś to pisz, coś jeszczę dopiszę ^^
Thank you all for comming.
Today I will discuss one of the most important problems which is envviroment protection.
How can we protect Mother Nature and why should we do it? Well, we should protect it because our life depends on it. Most important thing for humans is fresh, clean air that we breath. And all of the smoke from all kind of industries, cars, and others sources goes right to the air, making it almost poissonous for humans. This is how new kind of deseases are born, and this is how we kill plants and animals. How to protect the air?
We must lessen the amount of gasoline we use and start using natural energy like wind or sun. We all have heard about this big windmills or whole energy plants with sun bateries. Isn't it better to create more of these? Isn't it to switch technologies from old fashioned gasoline to healthy and way cheaper sun batteries? Of course it is ! And we should not only speculate about this but start doing it !
Right here, right now we should think about our future !
Thank you for listening to my speech .