Prosze o napisanie e-maila, do 100 znaków, opisujacego mój pobyt na obozie żeglalrskim na Mazurach ktory pisze do kolezanki z Irlandii,mam napisac : gdzie jestem i jak wyglada moj dzien,jakie zasady obowiazuja na obozie,co wolno mi robic w czasie wolnym,tekst do 100 znakow,pomocy!!!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear (imię koleżanki),
how are you? Right now i'm on the sailing camp at Mazury's lakes. I really like this sport, so i really enjoy this camp.
Ours everyday routine looks like this. We starting ours day from delicious brakfast and then we have to run 5 km around the lake. Then we are sailing for few hours. We often making barbecoue for lunch. At eleven o'clock we have to be in ours tents and goes to sleep.
We having a lot of slack, but we haveto follow some rules, like we can't swiming alone. At the free time, we can live our campground only with our keeper. We will be throw out from camp, if we will drink alcohol.
I really enjoy this camp. I hope we will see each other sonn in your house in Irealnd!
Nie jestem pewna niektórych sformułowań gramatycznych, ale chyba sama niektóre wyłapiesz ;)