NApisz list do kolegi z Irlandii zeby opowiedziec o nowej dziewczynie kogos z grona waszych przyjaciol: -podziel sie nowina i gzie para sie poznała
-podaj przynajmniej 2 cechy opisywanej osoby -podaj przynajmniej 2 cechy jej charakteru poparte przykladem -wyraz swoja opinie na temat ich zwiazku i zapytaj kolege o zdanie..
Hi there ! I'm writing to you, to make a clean breast of Alle and Mark situation. He got to know her few days ago, and he's so in love. They run into themselves by the accident. It's weird, becouse he mistook the toilets ! It's an abnormal kind of got know each other, isn't it ? He broughts around her to my cousin's birthday, and introduced her to us. My first impression was not so bad, becouse she was really nice. I talked to her for a few minutes,and I can tell you,that she is fairly well read. She is also very, very talkative. Oh my God, her mouth are still in move. After two weeks, it was an another party, but not birthday. We went to the bowling alley with guys. Mark came with Allie, and it's began. She asked him, to bought her some orange juice. Mark went to the bar, and came back with no juice. She got into a panic, are you imagining?! She started shouting at him. It was like in a "Jerry Springer's" show ,really. But it's not over. Mark had to go to the shop, for her biv. When he went out, she was suddenly calmed down. What a felief. He came back after twenty minutes, fortunately with juice. But of course it couldn't be perfectly. He bought her juice from "Hortex". And as you are guessing, she didn't like it. Oh, why? From the fact, that it had a pieces of fruites. That was unacceptable! Surely, you are curious, what happend after. They went back , and broke up with each other. He couldn't stand that kind of treat. She was egoistic , and not tolerating anything. I think ,that them relationship was going to nowhere.What do you think about it? I'm waiting impatiency for your response . Greetings and hugs, XYZ
I'm writing to you, to make a clean breast of Alle and Mark situation. He got to know her few days ago, and he's so in love. They run into themselves by the accident. It's weird, becouse he mistook the toilets ! It's an abnormal kind of got know each other, isn't it ? He broughts around her to my cousin's birthday, and introduced her to us. My first impression was not so bad, becouse she was really nice. I talked to her for a few minutes,and I can tell you,that she is fairly well read. She is also very, very talkative. Oh my God, her mouth are still in move.
After two weeks, it was an another party, but not birthday. We went to the bowling alley with guys. Mark came with Allie, and it's began. She asked him, to bought her some orange juice. Mark went to the bar, and came back with no juice. She got into a panic, are you imagining?! She started shouting at him. It was like in a "Jerry Springer's" show ,really. But it's not over. Mark had to go to the shop, for her biv. When he went out, she was suddenly calmed down.
What a felief. He came back after twenty minutes, fortunately with juice.
But of course it couldn't be perfectly. He bought her juice from "Hortex". And as you are guessing, she didn't like it. Oh, why? From the fact, that it had a pieces of fruites. That was unacceptable!
Surely, you are curious, what happend after.
They went back , and broke up with each other. He couldn't stand that kind of treat. She was egoistic , and not tolerating anything. I think ,that them relationship was going to nowhere.What do you think about it?
I'm waiting impatiency for your response .
Greetings and hugs,