prosze o logiczne przetlumaczenie zdan.
1.tak, telewizja powstrzymuje ludzi przed mysleniem. ukazuje duzo nie realnych sytuacji i nie prawdziwych.
2.sposob spedzania wolnego czasu zmniel sie bardzo. rodzina zamiast spedzac go razem zamienia go na inne pryzjemnosci na zakupy na ogladanie telewizji zamaist siedziec i rozmawiac ze soba,
3.tak, poniewaz bohaterowie takich gier zabijaja sie na wzajem, jest mnóstwo słow nie dla dzieci, duzo wulgaryzmow.
4.najlepszym wynalazkiem 20 wieku wedlug mnie jest kawa poniewaz po jej wypiciu nie ejstesmy spaicy i mamy zazwyczaj duzo energi.
5.wakacj sa przyjemne poniewa mamy duzo wolnego czasu ktory mozemy spedzic ze znajomymi rodzina. mozemy robic to czego nie udalo sie nam w czasie roku szkolnego.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Yes, television is stopping people before the thinking. He/she is portraying many not real situations and not real.
2. the way of spending the free time very much changed. Family instead of to spend altogether him, is exchanging him for other pleasures:
for the shopping, for watching TV, instead of to sit and to talk to oneself,
3. Yes, since central figures of such games are killing each other on one another, there is a plenty of words not for children, much of vulgarisms.
4.Better with invention 20 of age there is a coffee in my opinion, since after for her drinking we aren't sleepy and we usually have much energy.
5. holidays are pleasant, since we have much free time which we can chase off with acquaintances family. We can do it of what failed for us during the school year.
1.Yes,TVstopspeoplefromthinking.showsa lot ofunrealisticsituationsandnotreal.
2.Pastimechanged a lot.familyinstead ofspendingittogetherby turning it intoanothershoppingpleasure
watchingtelevisioninstead ofsittingandtalkingwith each other,
3.Because theheroesof these gamesare killingeach other out,there are plentyof wordsis not forchildren,lots ofprofanity.
4.The bestinventionof the 20th centuryin mycoffeeafterdrinkingbecause they're notsleeping, andwe usually havea lotof energy.
5.Holidaysarefunbecausewe havea lot offreetime
thatwe canspendwith your friends
family.Wedowhatwe could notduringthe school year.
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