Prosze o dokładne i bez błedne przetlumaczenie tekstu :
Well this is all about my problems to get out of drugs,
cause I had enough of that,
I've had the collage,
I've had the earing the money,
and the turial trip,
I just dicided I was going to find a new way of life
And so I took off on my bycicle,
well, to solve all my problems about drugs,
cause I had enough of that,
I've had the collage,
I've had the earing the money,
and the turial trip,
I just dicided I was going to find a new way of life
And so i took off on my bycicle,
Peddling up to highway one,
and found myself one day in Urica California.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Well this is all about my problems to get out of drugs,
Wiec to wszystko jest o moich problemach z zerwaniem z narkotykami
cause I had enough of that,
bo juz mialem tego dosc
I've had the collage,
mialem szkole
I've had the earing the money,
mialem kolczyk ( w znaczeniu kosztownosci), pieniadze
and the turial trip,
i probna drogeI
just dicided I was going to find a new way of life
ale zdecydowalem ze musze znalezc inny sposob na zycie
And so I took off on my bycicle,
i tak wsiadlem na rower
well, to solve all my problems about drugs,
zeby rozwiazac swoje narkotykowe problemy
cause I had enough of that,
bo juz mialem tego dosc
I've had the collage,
mialem szkole
I've had the earing the money,
mialem kolczyk ( w znaczeniu kosztownosci), pieniadze
and the turial trip,
i probna drogeI
just dicided I was going to find a new way of life
ale zdecydowalem ze musze znalezc inny sposob na zycie
And so i took off on my bycicle,
i wsiadlem na rower
Peddling up to highway one,
jadac autostradą 1
and found myself one day in Urica California.
i pewnego dnia znalazlem sie w Urica w Kaliforni.