Prosze napiszcie mi historyjkę o jakimś duchu czy coś (10 zdań)
potzrebuja tego na dzisiaj i z góry dziękuje za rozwiązanie:)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Jak coś, to napisy w nawiasie kwadratowym nie są częścią pracy! A jeśli historyjka ma być przerażająca i po angielsku, to proszę :)
On vacation, i travelled to very old house. The door of this house were almost completely destroyed. However, something frightened me - there wasn't any windows. That was strange... I went inside...
I heard scary sounds... Like moaning... Suddenly my heart leaped into my throat. I SAW THE GHOST!!! It was levitate above floor and its [ITS SPECJALNIE JEST BEZ APOSTROFU - TEGO PRZECINKA NA GÓRZE - TAK MA BYĆ] head left strange traces... It looked like two lines... And ghost hit me. It not went through me... It hit me. It was very strange. Then I understand: that was bedsheet, it was pinned to the ropes.
I ran from there, taxi drove to me, and I left from that frightening house. I never go back - there is too scary.
Trochę więcej niż 10 zdań, ale jest :)