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Hi (imie Kolegi)
i am in the sports camp in Łódź . Is very fun. I met new friend his name is Darek . He is tall , he is 15 and he got short black hair and blue eyes . Mostofthe campwe play football and basketball. i love basketball . nowwe relaxby the fire and we eat sausages
warm greetings from the Łódź
(twoje imie)
JAk masz tak warm greetings to znaczy serdeczne pozdrowienia
Hi Sam,
how are you? I'm on the sports camp. I met new friend. His name is Michael. He has got blue eyes and his hair are short and curly. He is tall and thin. On the camp we often play futbool or volleyball, but sometimes we walk on the beach and there we're swimming. Now, we are sitting on the table and we are talking about next day. Tomorrow we have amazing day!