Mam ogromny problem, musze napisać list z jezyka angielskiego na jutro ;/ prosze jakiegos eksperta o rozwiazanie!
Twój kolega ze Szkocji tak jak ty przygotowuje sie do egzaminów.
1. Prypomnij mu o konieczności zachowania równowagi pomiędzy nauką a odpoczynkiem
2. Zachęć go do czynnego odpoczynku i zaproponuj konkretne formy aktywnosci
3. Zwróć mu uwagę na koniecznośc pzrestrzegania higieny snu i poradź jak o nia zadbać
4. Napisz jak ty dbasz o zdrowy tryb życia oraz jak twoje zachowanie wpływa na przygotowanie do egzaminu!!!
z góry dziękuje!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! czekam :)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Sean!
Thank you for the letter that you sent me a few weeks ago! I'm sorry to answer so late but as you know I'm taking very importants exams in a few weeks the same like you. I'm studying hard but I'm trying not to exaggerate. I want to have time also for some relax and rest. I recommend it to you as well! Constant studying without any break can be very dangerous for your health. One of the good form of spending your time in an active way is riding a bike. It helps you to forget about all your problems and everything unpleasant. It's very useful when you have a lot of stress ahead you. Another important thing is your sleep. 8 hours is mininum that you have to strictly abide! Sleeping less than 8 hours especially when you are stressed, tired and exhausted after a hard day of learning is something extremely risky. Your heart or brain may not survive it! You can believe me! I followed these rules every time I had an important exam and it was successful each single time! My secret of success is just sleep, relax, active rest and positive thinking. Then your triumph must come!
I wish you all the best!