Proszę was o pomoc mam tą pracę ma środę(16.12.2009). Bardzo proszę o waszą pomoc :) Proszę was
Angielska rodzina zajmująca się agroturystyką zamieściła ogłoszenie w którym informują że w sezonie letnim zatrudni młodych ludzi na swojej farmie.Napisz list w którym :
- wyjaśnij dlaczego chcesz przyjechać do Anglii i podaj powód zainteresowania proponowaną pracą -przedstaw dane personalne i opisz swoje zainteresowania -zaproponujesz przynajmniej dwa rodzaje pracy które umiesz wykorzystać -poinformujesz kiedy możesz przyjechać i w jaki sposób można z tobą się skontaktować Bardzo Proszę o pomoc będę mógł się odwdzięczyć. Proszę.
Dear Madam, I am writing in responce to your advertisement about a job on a farm. My name is Peter Brown, I'm 16 years old and I live in Amsterdam. I'm fond of playing football and watching horror films. The offer seems quite interesting to me, because what I enjoy doing is spending free time outside in an active way and I reckon that we both can benefit from this fact. What's more, England is a country that I've been interested in due tu its culture, history and society and it would be great to have such an opportunity to arrive in London outskirts. What more I can say to convince you? My skills that may come in handy is that I can milk a cow or ride a horse. If I managed to persuade you to call me, here is my cell number: 555-613-460. It would be great If you could call me within a week, because it seems I would be able to come to England in next Saturday. I'm looking forward to your answer. Your's faithfully, Peter.
I am writing in responce to your advertisement about a job on a farm. My name is Peter Brown, I'm 16 years old and I live in Amsterdam. I'm fond of playing football and watching horror films. The offer seems quite interesting to me, because what I enjoy doing is spending free time outside in an active way and I reckon that we both can benefit from this fact. What's more, England is a country that I've been interested in due tu its culture, history and society and it would be great to have such an opportunity to arrive in London outskirts. What more I can say to convince you? My skills that may come in handy is that I can milk a cow or ride a horse. If I managed to persuade you to call me, here is my cell number: 555-613-460. It would be great If you could call me within a week, because it seems I would be able to come to England in next Saturday.
I'm looking forward to your answer.
Your's faithfully,