Proszę was bardzo przetłumaczcie mi ten tekst na angielski : Chciałybyśmy zwiedzić Francję. Najbardziej interesuje nas Paryż w którym znajduje się wieża Eiffla .Paryż uważany jest za miasto zakochanych . Jest ono warte zobaczenia dla osób wrażliwych i z romantyczną duszą . Wieża Eiffla mierzy 324m wysokości i powstała w 1887 roku. Zobaczyło ją ponad 200 milionów ludzi .To najbardziej charakterystyczny obiekt w Paryżu uważany za symbol Francji. Zobaczyć też warto Katedre Notre-Dame i Muzeum w Luwrze . W wolnej chwili warto wybrać się na słoneczną plaże w Francji .Zamieszkuje ją około 64 667 000 ludzi .Powierzchnia Francji wynosi 675 417 km². Według nas to państwo jest bardzo ciekawe i fascynujące dla osób takich jak my .
We would like to tour France. The most we are interested in Paris in which the Eiffel Tower is located. Paris is regarded as the city in love. It is worth seeing for susceptible individuals and with the romantic soul. The Eiffel Tower is measuring heights with 324 m and she came into existence in 1887. It saw her over 200 million people. it is the most characteristic object in Paris regarded as the symbol of France. To see also it is worthwhile Katedre Notre-Dame and Museum in Louvre. In the free time it is worthwhile going for sunny beaches in France. is inhabiting it about 64 of 667 000 people. the Area of France is a 675 417 ² km. According to us this state is very interesting and fascinating for persons of the likes of us.
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We want to visit France. The most we are interested in Paris where the Eiffel Tower. Paris is considered the city of lovers. It is worth seeing for people with sensitive and romantic soul. Eiffel tower measures 324m high and was founded in 1887. It saw more than 200 million people. This is the most characteristic object in Paris, regarded as a symbol of France. We also see the Cathedral of Notre-Dame and the Louvre Museum. In your free time you can go to the sunny beaches of France. It had a population 64 667 000 people. The area is 675 France 417 km ². In our opinion, this country is very interesting and exciting for people like us. powinno być dobrze
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We'd like to visit France. We are the most interested in Paris, there is the Eiffel Tower.Paris is considered the city of lovers. It is worth seeing for people with sensitive and romantic soul. Eiffel tower measures 324m high and was founded in 1887. It saw more than 200 million people. This is the most characteristic object in Paris, regarded as a symbol of France. We also see the Cathedral of Notre-Dame and the Louvre Museum. In your free time you can go to the sunny beaches of France. It had a population 64 667 000 people. The area of France is 675 417 km ². In our opinion, this country is very interesting and exciting for people like us.
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