Proszę tylko o sprawdzenie mo jego zadania.
Miałam taki rysunek, nie bardzo mogę go zeskanować i na nim jest pokazana sytuacja, jak ktoś (płeć nieokreślona) kradnie z torebki dziewczyny z dlugimi włosami portfel albo telefon (zdjęcie jest niewyraźne).
I były 2 pytania:
a)What is happening in the photo?
Moja odpowiedź:
In the photo a one person take with girl's handbag a wallet. She don't know that he make it.
b) What in your opinion is the biggest crime? Why?
In my opinion the biggest crime is murder, becouse a one person kill another.
Proszę o sprawdzenie, dodanie swoich słów i po[rawienie błędów.
Jak zwykle daję naj.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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a) In the photo the robber is taking out of the girl's bag a wallet and she doesn'y now about that.
b) In my opinion the biggest crime is murder, because one person kills another.
a) The photo shows a person who is stealing girl's handbag and she doesn't even know about it.
b) In my opinion the biggest crime is a murder, because one person kills another.
nie można pisać "a one", no i she he it + does, nie do..