Binge watching is a serious problem among youngsters nowadays. To put it bluntly, it is a phenomenon of being addicted to watching television series. People are constantly on the lookout for the next show to watch bit by bit loosing touch with reality. The reason for it happening could be that streaming services are uploading whole seasons at once, so people could watch it in one seating. It could also be induced by people's need to know every thing about a show before accidentally reading any spoilers online. One way to prevent that from happening could be for streaming services to release the episodes once a week.
What do you think about this solution? Do you have any other ideas?
Jak stworzyć dobrą wypowiedź pisemną?
Upewnij się, że piszesz na temat i twoja wypowiedź zawiera wszystkie informacje z zadania.
Przygotuj się do pisania - czy wiesz wystarczająco dużo, by wypowiedzieć się na dany temat?
Stwórz bank słów o tematyce podanej w zdaniu, który pomoże ci wyrazić myśli na zadany temat.
Na koniec przeczytaj swoją wypowiedź jeszcze raz, by sprawdzić, czy jest poprawna gramatycznie.
Przykładowe zwroty:
What do you think about it? - Co o tym sądzisz/sądzicie?
XYZ is a serious problem. - XYZ jest poważnym problemem.
I propose this solution, because... - Proponuję to rozwiązanie, ponieważ...
It is occurring in our society, because... - To występuje w naszym społeczeństwie, ponieważ...
People have got to start paying attention to this issue, because... - Ludzie muszą zacząć poświęcać temu problemowi więcej uwagi, ponieważ...
Wypowiedź pisemna - język angielski.
Przykłądowa odpowiedź:
Binge watching is a serious problem among youngsters nowadays. To put it bluntly, it is a phenomenon of being addicted to watching television series. People are constantly on the lookout for the next show to watch bit by bit loosing touch with reality. The reason for it happening could be that streaming services are uploading whole seasons at once, so people could watch it in one seating. It could also be induced by people's need to know every thing about a show before accidentally reading any spoilers online. One way to prevent that from happening could be for streaming services to release the episodes once a week.
What do you think about this solution? Do you have any other ideas?
Jak stworzyć dobrą wypowiedź pisemną?
Przykładowe zwroty: