Proszę przetłumaczyć Oto moje wymarzone miasto o nazwie amazing town.W tym mieście ludzie chodzą pieszo lub jeżdżą rowerami.W centrum jest park,obok parku kawiarnia i targ.Rozrywką dla dzieci jest plac zabaw.W mieście jest wpaniałe kino oraz teatr.Są najlepsze sklepy i basen.
Here's my dream city amazing town. This in amazing city people walk or ride bike. In foot center is a park, next to the park cafe and market. entertainment for children is a city square Playground. In Excelente theater.Are cinema and the best shops and swimming pool .
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This is my imaginary city, it’s called Amazing Town. In this city people walk or ride bicycles. In the center of the town there is a park, next to it there is a cafeteria and a market place. There is also a playground for the children’s amusement. In the town there is a magnificent cinema and thetre. There are also all the best shops and a swimming pool.