Proszę przetłumaczcie mi to na Angielski, tylko nie na google tłumacz ( ;
Kochana Ewo !
Co u Ciebie słychać? U mnie wszystko w porządku pomijając to, że zaraz po twoim wyjeździe miałam wypadek. Potrącił mnie pijany kierowca. W szpitalu leżałam ponad dwa tygodnie. Nie było tam aż tak źle, ponieważ poznałam tam niesamowitą dziewczynę o imieniu Daria. Jest bardzo sympatyczną i wspaniałą osobą. Leżałyśmy razem na sali, Ona trafiła do szpitala z tego samego powodu co ja. Wypisano nas tego samego dnia. Okazało się, że mieszka niedaleko mnie i przepisuje się do mojej szkoły. W szpitalu powiedziałyśmy sobie, że będziemy utrzymywać kontakt. Od wypisu minęły trzy dni, a my byłyśmy już na kilku spacerach i w kinie. W sobotę ma zostać u mnie na noc. Cieszę się, że pozanałam kogoś takiego. Mam nadzieję, że przyjedziesz jak najszybciej i zapoznacie się. Na pewno Ją polubisz.
No to do zobaczenia, czekam na twoją odpowiedź .
Całuski, XYZ
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Loved Ewa!
What's up? At me all right omitting everything the fact that right after your trip I had an accident. A drink-driver knocked me down. I was in hospital over two weeks. It wasn't there so badly, since I got to know the remarkable girl there about name Daria. He is a very nice and wonderful person. We lay together in the room, she was taken to hospital for the same reason what I. We were written out a list on the same day. It turned out that he lived near me and they are copying into my school. At the hospital we told ourselves we would be keeping contact. From the certified excerpt they passed three days, and we were already on a few walks and at the cinema. On Saturday he is supposed to stay overnight at me. I am pleased, that of somebody so. I hope that you will arrive as soon as possible and you will read. Certainly you will get to like her.
Yeah it for seeing, I am waiting for your response.
Kisses :*
Dear Ewo!
What you heard? For me everything is fine apart from the fact that immediately after your departure I had an accident. Bumped me drunk driver. I lay in the hospital more than two weeks. There was not so bad, because I've met there amazing girl named Daria. Is a very friendly and warm person. Leżałyśmy time in the courtroom, she went to the hospital for the same reason as me. We are discharged the same day. It turned out that lives near me and rewrites to my school. At the Hospital told the camp officials that we will keep in contact. An extract from the past three days, and we we were already on a couple of walks and in the cinema. On Saturday to be with me for the night. I'm glad that someone pozanałam like this. I hope that you arrive as soon as possible and you will learn.
Well, see, I'm waiting for your answer.
Kisses, XYZ