Królowa – brytyjski film fabularny z 2006 roku w reżyserii Stephena Frearsa. Akcja filmu odgrywa się tydzień po tragicznej śmierci księżnej Diany w sierpniu 1997 roku. Dla Elżbiety II i nowo wybranego premiera Tony'ego Blaira sytuacja jest sprawdzianem. Każde z nich na śmierć księżnej i medialną wrzawę reaguje inaczej; Królowa odgradza się od świata za murami letniej rezydencji Balmoral, a premier zyskuje na popularności, wygłaszając przemówienia do narodu. Tymczasem reakcji dworu domagają się tłumy składające hołd zmarłej ,oraz media coraz brutalniej atakujące rodzinę królewską.
Uważam, że film ten jest znakomitym obrazem wydarzeń z 1997r.. Film znakomicie pokazuje jak wielki szok na świecie wywołała śmierć Księżnej Walii.
Queen - a British film from 2006 directed by Stephen Frears. The film played the week after the tragic death of Princess Diana in August 1997. For Elizabeth II and the newly elected Prime Minister Tony Blair's situation is a test. Each of them on the death of Princess and the media uproar reacts differently; Queen separates from the world behind the walls of Balmoral summer residence, and the prime minister is gaining in popularity and gave a speech to the nation. Meanwhile, reaction of the court is required by the crowds paying homage to the deceased, and the media more and more brutally attacking the royal family.
I think that this film is an excellent image of the events of 1997 .. This documentary shows how a big shock in the world caused the death of the Princess of Wales.
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Queen - the British feature film from 2006 directed by Stephen Frears. The film played the week after the tragic death of Princess Diana in August 1997. For Elizabeth II and the newly elected Prime Minister Tony Blair's situation is a test. Each of them on the death of Princess and the media uproar reacts differently; Queen separates from the world behind the walls of Balmoral summer residence, and the prime minister is gaining in popularity and gave a speech to the nation. Meanwhile, reaction of the court is required by the crowds paying homage to the deceased, and the media more and more brutally attacking the royal family.
I think that this film is an excellent image of the events of 1997 .. This documentary shows how a big shock in the world caused the death of the Princess of Wales.
The film played the week after the tragic death of Princess Diana in August 1997. For Elizabeth II and the newly elected Prime Minister Tony Blair's situation is a test. Each of them on the death of Princess and the media uproar reacts differently; Queen separates from the world behind the walls of Balmoral summer residence, and the prime minister is gaining in popularity and gave a speech to the nation. Meanwhile, reaction of the court is required by the crowds paying homage to the deceased, and the media more and more brutally attacking the royal family.
I think that this film is an excellent image of the events of 1997 .. This documentary shows how a big shock in the world caused the death of the Princess of Wales.
The film played the week after the tragic death of Princess Diana in August 1997. For Elizabeth II and the newly elected Prime Minister Tony Blair's situation is a test. Each of them on the death of Princess and the media uproar reacts differently; Queen separates from the world behind the walls of Balmoral summer residence, and the prime minister is gaining in popularity and gave a speech to the nation. Meanwhile, reaction of the court is required by the crowds paying homage to the deceased, and the media more and more brutally attacking the royal family.
I think that this film is an excellent image of the events of 1997 .. This documentary shows how a big shock in the world caused the death of the Princess of Wales.