Proszę proszę proszę o przetłumaczenie tekstu na J. angielski ZAPROSZENIE
Dnia 27.10.2010r o godz. 10.00 w sali kongresowej odbedzie sie wieczór poswiecony naszemu krajowi i jego kulturze. Omówione będe poszczedólne ciekawostki z ostatnich lat a takze duzo waznych informacji dotyczacych naszego kraju. Bedzie to któtki apel. Badzo serdecznie wszystkich zapraszam,naprawde warto przyjsc!!
Day 27.10.2010r about godz. 10.00 in the congress hall will take place evening consecrated ours national and his culture. I will be talked over the indywidulane of the curiosity from last years and takze a lot of important information relating to our country. This will be the short appeal. I invite all very warmly, it really is coming worth !!
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On 27.10.2010r chair. 10.00 in the congress hall will be an evening dedicated to our country and its culture. I discussed the various points of interest in recent years and a lot of important information about our country. This will be a short call. We cordially invite you all, it's worth it to come!
I will be talked over the indywidulane of the curiosity from last
years and takze a lot of important information relating to our country. This will be the short appeal. I invite all very warmly, it really is coming worth !!