Proszę pomocy! wpisz właściwe odpowiedzi: 1.Patricia,which do you like more , skiing or rollerblading? odp 2.Mary, do you prefer doing the washing-up or dusting the forniture ? odp 3. Simon, which do you perefer ,listening to music or dancing ? odp. Kevin,which do you like more doing gymnastics or running ? odp. Sandra,do you prefer going to the cinema or watching TV ?
1. I prefer skiing, because it's more exciting for me. 2. I prefer dusting the furniture, because washing-up is disgusting. 3. I prefer listening to music, because I don't have legs, I lost them in an accident. 4. I prefer running, because it's make Simon upset. 5. I prefer watching TV, because it's cheaper.
2. I prefer dusting the furniture, because washing-up is disgusting.
3. I prefer listening to music, because I don't have legs, I lost them in an accident.
4. I prefer running, because it's make Simon upset.
5. I prefer watching TV, because it's cheaper.