The most famousarchitectural landmarkof Paris,alsorecognizedas a symbol ofFrance.It isthe tallest buildingin Paris andthe fifth-highestin France.
"The IronLady"is inthe western part ofthe city center,on the Seine,in the north-western edge offieldsof Mars.
The towerwas builtespecially forthe ParisWorld Exhibitionin 1889.Shedemonstrateda level of knowledgeengineering andtechnical capabilitiesera,a symbol ofthe powerof contemporaryeconomic andscientific-technicalFrance.After 20years,the buildingwas to bedemolished.Itsdesigner,GustaveEiffel,he did not wantto let that happen.He decided topass it onto science.He foundedthe tower ofaerodynamicand meteorologicallaboratory.However, it wasa successfulexperiment(withJulianOchorowicz,inventor andconstructor)topped with awirelesstelegraphtower wassavedandabandoneditsremoval.On the eve ofWorld War Ibecame the object ofthe military-Pariscombinedwith themilitarycheckpointson the borderwith Germany(so farusedfor communicationspigeons).Rescuedbuildingwas to become thebiggest tourist attractionin Paris,whichhas been visited byover 200million people.
The most famousarchitectural landmarkof Paris,alsorecognizedas a symbol ofFrance.It isthe tallest buildingin Paris andthe fifth-highestin France.
"The IronLady"is inthe western part ofthe city center,on the Seine,in the north-western edge offieldsof Mars.
The towerwas builtespecially forthe ParisWorld Exhibitionin 1889.Shedemonstrateda level of knowledgeengineering andtechnical capabilitiesera,a symbol ofthe powerof contemporaryeconomic andscientific-technicalFrance.After 20years,the buildingwas to bedemolished.Itsdesigner,GustaveEiffel,he did not wantto let that happen.He decided topass it onto science.He foundedthe tower ofaerodynamicand meteorologicallaboratory.However, it wasa successfulexperiment(withJulianOchorowicz,inventor andconstructor)topped with awirelesstelegraphtower wassavedandabandoneditsremoval.On the eve ofWorld War Ibecame the object ofthe military-Pariscombinedwith themilitarycheckpointson the borderwith Germany(so farusedfor communicationspigeons).Rescuedbuildingwas to become thebiggest tourist attractionin Paris,whichhas been visited byover 200million people.
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