Proszę pilnie o pomoc!!!:** Mam na jutro napisać emaila ktory polega na tym ze pisza do siebie dwie osoby w tym przypadku ja i moja kumpela.. i jest taka sytuacja ze ona pyta sie co u mnie i wgl i namawia mnie na wyjscie gdzies podaje date godzine i :) ale ja jestem zajęta bo no musze sie uczyc i mowie ze nie moge jednak ona dalej mnie namawia i ja się zgadzam i umawiam sie z nia na inny termin podaje date i godzine:) prosze pilnie o [email protected]!!:* licze na konkretna prace:) i prosze o uwzglednienie slowek anyway actually then there unfortunately
Dear (imię koleżanki) Thanks for last mail. now i feel good. actually i had have flu, so i wasn't able to go out with you. Unfortunatlly, i cannot go out with you tommorow, becouse i have a lot to learn for tommorow math's test. anyway we can meet on friday, i mean 15th february. How about that? we can meet in city centre in our place. i will wait therre for you, if you agree. I'm waiting for answer Love (twoje imię :) )
Thanks for last mail. now i feel good. actually i had have flu, so i wasn't able to go out with you.
Unfortunatlly, i cannot go out with you tommorow, becouse
i have a lot to learn for tommorow math's test. anyway we can meet on friday, i mean 15th february. How about that?
we can meet in city centre in our place. i will wait therre for you, if you agree.
I'm waiting for answer
(twoje imię :) )