Proszę opisać prostymi zdaniami Właśnie udało Ci się sprzedać jakiś przedmiot przez internet, napisz list do znajomego z Anglii: - wyjaśnij co postanowiłeś sprzedać i dlaczego się na to zdecydowałeś - wspomnij jak zachęciłeś do kupna tego przedmiotu, o co pytały osoby zainteresowane kupnem - wyraź zadowolenie z uzyskanej ceny i napisz na co przeznaczysz pieniądze - poinformuj w jaki sposób chciałeś przekazać tą rzecz nabywcy i jaki problem wyniknął w związku z jej przekazaniem Limit słów 120-150
Hi Tom! What have you been up there? Long time no heard from .I am very happy today because I just was able to sell on the internet cheap sofa bed! I decided to sell it because it was already old, and collect money to buy a new laptop. The first reported a gentleman, but when he saw her to go .but it came right after a very nice lady, who decided to buy it for 500 gold .Ona collects things like that. Tomorrow I go shopping with my mom, and a laptop, and I'm terribly excited! But we will have to move the couch, alone to the street for rogiem.Ale Well I'll have a new computer! Best Regards
What have you been up there? Long time no heard from .I am very happy today because I just was able to sell on the internet cheap sofa bed! I decided to sell it because it was already old, and collect money to buy a new laptop. The first reported a gentleman, but when he saw her to go .but it came right after a very nice lady, who decided to buy it for 500 gold .Ona collects things like that. Tomorrow I go shopping with my mom, and a laptop, and I'm terribly excited! But we will have to move the couch, alone to the street for rogiem.Ale Well I'll have a new computer!
Best Regards