Proszę opisać co chciałabym robić w przyszłości. A oto moje marzenia po polsku chciałabym byś bogata , mieć duży dom i dużą rodzinę oraz samochód a z zawodu chciałabym być kosmetyczką lub Fryzjerką.
There to to be rich in future want, to have big house and big family and car but there to to be beautician from profession want or hairdresser.
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I would like to be rich, have a big house and a large family and a car on the profession would like to be a hairdresser or beautician.
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In the future i want to be rich and have a big beautiful hause. If everythig goes good, I will have a big lovling family. My car will be so great that you can't imagine. I want to be a hairdesigner or a beautician.
on the profession would like to be a hairdresser or beautician.