September 2018 1 18 Report

Proszę o wytłumaczenie mi kilku zadań!

1) Podaj konfigurację powlokową i elektronową atomów i ich jonów

O^2- ; Na^+

2) Wskaż liczbę elektronów, protonów i neutronów

Ca^2+ ; Br^-

3) Ile powłok elektronowych mają jony?

Al^3+ ; Se^2-

4) Wskaż typ wiązań

BaO, O2, Cs2O, SiO2.

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Odpowiedz w 3-5 zdaniach na pytania! 45 punktów do zdobycia! II House The perfect place to live – a big city, town or village? Justify your point of view giving advantages and disadvantages of living in that places. What is your dream house? Why is home so important to people? Where would you like to live – in a flat, a detached house, a cottage or a terraced house ? Why? Have you ever moved the house? Tell me about moving in and out by you or some of your friends. Do you agree that your house or room reflects your personality? Why do you think so? Do you believe in FengShui? So do you believe that the room organization can influence our well-being? Would you like to live abroad? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of moving to a different country? What household chores do you usually do at home? Describe your room. What would you like to change in your room and why? What kind of flatmate would you like to share a flat with? What conditions would you consider when looking for a flat or house to live? III Human What kind of person are you? What does it mean to have a best friend? Do you agree with the proverb that ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’. What is friendship for you? Which is more important for you in your partner, appearance or personality? What do you look for in a friend? What kind of clothes do you like wearing on special occasions? What is in and out nowadays? Do you follow the fashion? Is it important to wear fashionable clothes? Have you ever judged a person by their appearance? Do you think it is fair? What makes you happy/ angry? Why? Describe someone who you think is beautiful. Tell me about a situation when you were excited/furious about something.

Life Enjoy

" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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