Proszę o tłumaczenie na Polski i poprawę błędów z góry dziękuje :)
Recently I was very starnge and funny situation.First I forgot about my brother's birthday.So I must roast a tort.Then I walk on stairs and broke my leg.After that my mum took me to the hospital.Finnaly when we back to home we met my brother he was broken leg too.He said:It's the funniest birthday in my life
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Recently I was in a very strange and funny situation. First, I forgot about my brothers' birthday. So I had to bake a cake. Then, when I was walking down the stairs I fell and broke my leg and my mum took me to the hospital. Finaly, when we were going back home, we met my brother, he had a broken leg too. He said "This is the funniest birthday in my life".
Nie dawno temu, bylam w bardzo dziwnej i smiesznej sytuacji. Wpierw, zapomnialam o uradzinach brata. Wiec musialam upiec ciasto. Pozniej, kiedy schodzilam ze schodow, spadlam i polamalam noge i mama musiala mnie zawiesc do szpitala. Ostatnio, kiedy szlismy spowrotem do domu spotkalismy mojego brata, on tez mial polamal noge. On powiedzial: "To sa najsmieszniejsze urodziny mojego zycia".