Ludzie będą bogaci w przyszłości Zamierzam wyjechac do stanów zjednoczonych zeby poprawic swoj angielski Większośc ludzi bedzie miec samochody w przyszlosci jego kolega organizuje przyjecie w nastepnym miesiacu Ona mysli ze jej siostra zostanie slawną piosenkarka Pojutrze bedzie padało Sara zamierza wysłac maila do ciebie Oni mają zamiar uzyc komputera zeby odrobic lekcje To bedzie dobry dzien Czy myslisz ze to dobrze?
People will be rich in the future I intend to go to state united to improve their English Most people will have cars in the future organizes his colleagues in the adoption next month She thinks that her sister is a famous singer The day after tomorrow will be raining Sarah will send you an email to They intend to use a computer in order to make up lessons It will be a good day Do you think that is good?
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People will be rich in the future I intend to travel to the United States to improve their English Most people will have cars in the future organizes his colleagues in the adoption next month She thinks that her sister is a famous singer The day after tomorrow will be raining Sara intends to send an email to you They intend to use a computer in order to make up lessons That will be good days Do you think that is good?
I intend to go to state
united to improve their English
Most people will have cars in the future
organizes his colleagues in the adoption next month
She thinks that her sister is a famous singer
The day after tomorrow will be raining
Sarah will send you an email to
They intend to use a computer in order to make up lessons
It will be a good day
Do you think that is good?
I intend to travel to the United States to improve their English
Most people will have cars in the future
organizes his colleagues in the adoption next month
She thinks that her sister is a famous singer
The day after tomorrow will be raining
Sara intends to send an email to you
They intend to use a computer in order to make up lessons
That will be good days
Do you think that is good?