Proszę o szybkie przetłumaczenie zdań na JĘZYK ANGIELSKI.
a) Magda pomogła kobiecie wstać.
b) Lekarze szybko dotarli na miejsce.
c) Lekarz zbadał kobietę, a potem inni lekarze zawieźli ją do szpiatala.
d) Lekarz i kobieta bardzo nam podziękowali za pomoc.
e) Byłyśmy bardzo dumne i szczęśliwe.
f) Nasze koleżanki były zdumione, gdy usłyszały tą opowieść.
Dziękuję z góry za pomoc!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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a) Magda helped the woman get up.
b) Physicians soon arrived at the place.
c) A doctor examined the woman, and then the other doctors they took her to szpiatala.
d) The doctor and the woman thanked us a lot for your help.
e) We were very proud and happy.
f) Our friends were amazed when they heard this story.
Magda helped the woman get up.
Physicians soon arrived at the place.
The doctor examined the woman, and then the other doctors they took her to the hospital.
The doctor and the woman thanked us a lot for your help.
We were very proud and happy.
Our colleagues were amazed when they heard this story.
Wszystkie zdania po kolei !