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Tekst 1 “ Wayne Mushrow”
Wayne Mashrow a milkman from Canada, who in his spare time he liked to dive. One day he went diving with friends off the coast of Newfoundland. After quite a long time diving Wayne found the sunken ship and in the French coin of 1618 but Wayne has found something more interesting on the ship. He could not recognize so he took it home, wondering what it might be. After a long search for answers in the end it was. It was the astrolabe to calculate the latitude. It was especially valuable because it was in perfect condition and even still worked
Tekst 2 “Culture”
New Berlin is a mix of nationalities. In the district of Kreuzberg live very much the Turks. There are many restaurants with Turkish gastronomy. Turkish cuisine is very tasty, and it makes people want to buy their food. Berlin is also a lot of clubs where people play with different cultures. There also are held at various events worldwide.
London is the largest city in the Britishislands. Many of the inhabitants of this generation of the British Empire I live here but also many people of other nationalities. In London, organized festiwal of Baishakhi Mela. You will see a different culture that pervadesthe UK.
San Francisco comes to many immigrants from other countries. Easily recognize who live where the appearance of the district. On the street you can find many beautiful works. Local artists searching for inspiration go for a walk.
Tekst 3 „ Camp”
In South Korea organized a camp for teenagers addicted to the Internet. At the camp learned the skills of many disciplines. The purpose of the camp is to help addicted teens. In South Korea such addiction is becoming more. The camp is to show teenagers that real life is better than the Internet. Many young people are not aware of the problem and did not see any negative effects in Internet use beyond measure.