January 2019 1 7 Report
Proszę o sprawdzenie zadań i ewentualną poprawę. Daje naj. Odpowiedzi pod zadaniami

Zad 1 Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach odpowiednimi wyrażeniami z ramki. Jedno wyrażenie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego zdania

wyrażenia: extremely good; really upset, quite good, fairly nice

1 The match was …………………………. and I’ll never forget it.
2 He seems …………………………. because the other team has scored.
3 She’s …………………………. at tennis, but I’ve seen better players.

Odpowiedzi: 1-extremely good; 2-really upset; 3-quite good;

Zad 2 Przetłumacz poniższe zdania na język angielski
1. Czy mogę umówić się na wizytę do dentysty?
1. Can I make an appointment to see a dentist?

2. Jak dbasz o swoje zdrowie?
How you care for your health?

3. (At the chemist) Czy mogę prosić plaster opatrunkowy?
(At the chemist) Can I ask sticking plaster?

4. Dwa lata temu moja siostra nie uprawiała jogi.
Two years ago my sister practiced yoga.

5. Zwykle chodzimy do szkoły pieszo, ale dziś jedziemy autobusem.
Usually, we go to school on foot, but today we go by bus.

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Zad 1 Choose the correct answer. 1 I hate driving in the fog / frost / shower– you can hardly see anything. 2 It’s really mild / humid / freezing outside – put on the warmest clothes you can. 3 Susan got soaking wet during the heavy / bitterly / light rain yesterday. 4 The birds were sitting on the branch / leaf / seed of the tree and singing. 5 Look how beautiful the lawn is – my father mows / sows / plants it every week. 6 Some sharks / whales / deer have been reported to have attacked swimmers and surfers at the Australian coast recently. Zad 2 Complete two news items with the correct words. The first letters have been given. A (1) h_________ has hit the state of Florida. The (2) g_________ -force winds destroyed many houses located on the beach and along the sea (3) s_________. The (4) g_________ effect and (5) g_________ warming are the main reasons for the (6) r_________ sea levels. They are a threat to many species of animals, especially the polar (7) b_________. Zad 3 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into English. 1 The government is planning to (zabronić używania plastikowych torebek) _________________________ in order to protect the environment. 2 When did people first (wylądowali na księżycu) _________________________? 3 Why don’t we (posadzimy te kwiaty) _________________________ over there, in the sun? 4 I think we should (zainwestować w energię słoneczną) _________________________. 5 My little sister (zaangażowała się w) _________________________wildlife conservation. 6 If we want to help the environment, we should (ograniczyć podróżowanie) _________________________ by budget airlines. 7 Let’s go for a walk (wzdłuż brzegu rzeki) _________________________
Zad 1 Choose the correct answer. 1 I hate driving in the fog / frost / shower– you can hardly see anything. 2 It’s really mild / humid / freezing outside – put on the warmest clothes you can. 3 Susan got soaking wet during the heavy / bitterly / light rain yesterday. 4 The birds were sitting on the branch / leaf / seed of the tree and singing. 5 Look how beautiful the lawn is – my father mows / sows / plants it every week. 6 Some sharks / whales / deer have been reported to have attacked swimmers and surfers at the Australian coast recently. Zad 2 Complete two news items with the correct words. The first letters have been given. A (1) h_________ has hit the state of Florida. The (2) g_________ -force winds destroyed many houses located on the beach and along the sea (3) s_________. The (4) g_________ effect and (5) g_________ warming are the main reasons for the (6) r_________ sea levels. They are a threat to many species of animals, especially the polar (7) b_________. Zad 3 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into English. 1 The government is planning to (zabronić używania plastikowych torebek) _________________________ in order to protect the environment. 2 When did people first (wylądowali na księżycu) _________________________? 3 Why don’t we (posadzimy te kwiaty) _________________________ over there, in the sun? 4 I think we should (zainwestować w energię słoneczną) _________________________. 5 My little sister (zaangażowała się w) _________________________wildlife conservation. 6 If we want to help the environment, we should (ograniczyć podróżowanie) _________________________ by budget airlines. 7 Let’s go for a walk (wzdłuż brzegu rzeki) _________________________.

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