Proszę o sprawdzenie tego zadania i poprawienie błędów.
hi Aśka
How are you ? Do you feel better after the flu? I hope so. I;ve got some great news. I'm writing from Wrocław. I'm on a sport camp volleyball. I have a hard training every day and don't much time to rest. Sometimes it is hard but somehow makes it through. The last lesson we had to swim for two hours in the lake. Last night with my new friends went for w walk. Unfortunately we caught carers and we had to go back to camp. It was the best that ever the sun was shining and it never rained. I look forward to your reply.
Best wishes
Proszę o pomoc bo z angielskim sobie nie radze a to jest na jutro. Daje naj. Jeśli są błędy proszę o poprawienie ich
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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To jest po polsku. dałam kilka poprawek;
Jak się masz? Czy czujesz się lepiej po grypie? Mam nadzieję, że tak. Mam wspaniałe wieści. Piszę z Wrocławia. Jestem na obozie sportowym. Mam ciężkie treningi codziennie i nie wiele czasu ma odpoczynek. Czasami jest ciężko, ale jakoś daje sobie radę. Na ostatniej lekcji pływaliśmy łóką przez dwie godziny po jeziorze. Ostatniej noc z moimi nowymi przyjaciółmi wybrałam się na spacer . Niestety złapali nas opiekunowie i musieliśmy wrócić do obozu. To był najlepszy obóz na jakim kolwiek byłam. Słońce świeciłoi wcale nie padało. Czekam na odpowiedz.
Najlepsze życzenia
A to po angielsku:
How are you? Do you feel better after the flu? I hope so. I have great news. I am writing from Wroclaw. I'm on a sports camp. I'm training hard every day and not much time to rest. Sometimes it's hard, but somehow makes it through. On the last lesson swam the couch for two hours on the lake. Last night with my new friends I went for a walk. Unfortunately, they caught us and we had tutors come back to camp. It was the best camp in what was any. Świeciłoi sun does not rain. Waiting for reply.
Best wishes
hi Asia
How are you ? Do you feel better after the flu? I hope so. I have great news.
I'm writing from Wrocław. I'm on a sport camp volleyball. Every day hard training and I do not have much time to rest. Sometimes it is hard but somehow makes it through. The last lesson we had to swim for two hours in the lake. Last night with my new friends went for w walk. Unfortunately, they caught carers and nd we had to go back to camp. It was the best that ever the sun was shining and it never rained. I look forward to your reply.
Best wishes
Prosze mało tych poprawek ale jakieś tam były;)