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CrathesCastleis a16thcenturycastle.Thiscastleis oneof the finestcastles inScotland.It is acastlewhichrevolvesaroundthe legendof amysterious'GreenLady' with a childstrolling around thecorridors.Apparentlyshe sawan apparitionevenQueenVictoria.Ladyalways appearsin a particularroom, throughwhich passes, then stopsat the fireplace, where he raisesa child, andthen disappears.Several yearsago, duringthe renovation work,the fireplacenear the famousskeletonfoundthe woman and child." Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Crathes Castle is a 16th century castle. This castle is one of the finest castles in Scotland. It is a castle which revolves around the legend of a mysterious 'Green Lady' with a child strolling around the corridors. Apparently she saw an apparition even Queen Victoria. Lady always appears in a particular room, through which passes, then stops at the fireplace, where she raises a child, and then disappeared. Several years ago, during the renovation work,the fireplace near the famous skeleton found the woman and child.
Crathes Castle is a 16th century castle. This castle is one of the finest castles in Scotland. There's a legend which tells the story abouta mysterious 'Green Lady' with a child wandering around the corridors. Apparentlyeven Queen Victoria aw the apparition. The lady always appears in a particular room, across which she passes, then stops at the fireplace, where she raises a child, and then disappears. Several years ago, during the renovation works, near the famous fireplace two skeletons of a woman and a child were found.