Proszę o sprawdzenie tego tekstu czy jest dobrze gramatycznie. Chodzi mi o czas Present Simple. My favourite film is Igrzyska Śmierci. It's a science-fiction. This film directed by Gary Ross. This is the first part of the trilogy. The film tells the story of the fight, which takes place every year. The nation selects a boy and girl from the 12's, who participated in the Igrzyska Śmierci. First person who survives. When Katniss's younger sister, Katniss volunteers to take her place. Katniss throws in to take her place. Katniss doesn't trained to fight ''trybutami''. I like this film because it is exciting and sad. My favourite character is Jennifer Lawrence because she is the main character in this film. This film is of the most moving films in the world.
Czasami masz czsoniki z rodzaju present simple . nie zmieniaj ich koncowki na ing .masz dobrze. Jeśli zmienisz ( a przynajmniej tak mi sie wydaje) to bedziesz miala zle