Proszę o sprawdzenie pisowni przepisu kulinarnego ;) Nie ma tu zastosowanego rzadnego czasu ani nic więc nie przyjmuje wiadomości typu ,,wszystko jest dobrze'' ... Proszę więc was o ulepszenie go i sprawdzenie czy takie słowa w ogóle mają jakiś sens, bo większość tłumaczona przez translator...
Colorfull cake with plums
1 cherry and chocolate pudding
125g butter
1 glass of sugar
6 tablespoon of oil
5 eggs
½ glass of flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1 jar of plum without seeds
Butter, sugar, oil and yolk mix. Protein beat on foam. Flour sift with baking powder. Into buttery mass add flour, in the end mix with foam from protein. Cake share on 3 parts, into first part add chocolate pudding, into second part add cherry pudding, third part leave white. Plum cut in half. Into greased springform pan put the dough in succession: a dark, pink and white. arrange on top of the plum peel down. Put into preheated to 180C oven. Bake 50 minutes.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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skladniki dobrze, ale wydaje mi sie ze powinno byc "125g of butter", napisalas bez "of".
Mix butter with sugar, oil and yolk. Beat the protein on foam. Sift the flour with baking powder. Add flour into buttery mass and next mix it with foam form protein. Share the cake on 3 parts, add chocolate pudding into the first part, add cherry pudding into the second part, leave the third part. Cut the plum in half. Put the dough on greased springform pan in order. First the dark part, second pink and put the white part on the top. Put the plum on top. Put the cake into preheated oven. The oven should be set on 180 degrees. Bake for 50 minutes.
Ogólnie nie było najgorzej, ale dosyć zaburzona składnia, od pierwszego zdania widać, że z translatora, teraz powinno być wszystko dobrze =]
ja bym trochę pozmieniała.
może być tak :
Colorfull cake with plums
Chocolate pudding and a cherry
125 g butter
1 cup sugar
6 tbsp oil
5 eggs
½ cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 jar of pitted prunes
Butter, sugar, oil and mix with the yolks. Proteins to be killed on the foam. Mix flour with baking powder. For the mass buttery add flour, and mix at last from the whites. Divide into 3 parts, the first part add chocolate pudding, in the second part, add cherry pudding, and the third part of the leave white. Half of the plums. In a greased springform pan to put the cake in this order: dark, pink and white. arrange on top of plum skin down. Put in the preheated oven to 180 degrees. Bake for about 50 minutes.