Proszę o sprawdzenie, czy podany tekst jej poprawnie napisany, jeśli nie jest to proszę o poprawienie :) Jeżeli ktoś ma jakieś propozycje żeby inaczej ułożyć zdania albo jakoś ciekawiej rozbudować tekst to chętnie skorzystam!!
Me and my friends Tom and Sarah wanted to ice - skating. We went to the river near Sarah's house. It was all covered by ice and we were going to had an amazing time together. We were ice - skating for two hours and everything was great. Beautiful weather, my happy friends and lots of fun. Sarah went home to do sandwitches for us while me and Tom messed around. Tom suddenly plunged into the water. I didn't know what I should do and I lie flat on the ice and tried to pull out him but he was too heavy. Tom was shouting and he was fidgeting, I couldn't calm him. Fortunately Sarah was back and I shouted to her "Call your dad here! Quick!" I was so afraid about Tom, Sarah too. Her dad comes to us and he helped me to pulled out Tom from the water. We were take him to Sarah's house and warm him. I will never forget this day, everybody was so frightened. Fortunately everything ends happy.
Me and my friends Tom and Sarah wanted to GO ice - skating. We went to the river near Sarah's house. It was all covered WITH ice and we were going to HAVE an amazing time together. We were ice-skating for two hours and everything was great. Beautiful weather, my happy friends and lots of fun. Sarah went home to do (SOME) sandwitches for us, while me and Tom WERE mesSING around. Tom suddenly plunged into the water. I didn't know what I should do. I WAS LYING flat on ice, trYING to pull him OUT, but he was too heavy. Tom was shouting and he was fidgeting. I couldn't calm him DOWN. Fortunately Sarah was back and I shouted to her "Call your dad here! Quick!" I was so afraid about Tom. Sarah WAS too. Her dad CAME and (he) helped me pull out Tom from the water. We TOOK him to Sarah's house and warmED him. I will never forget this day. Everybody was so frightened. Fortunately everything endED happILY.