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To tekst po polsku:
Droga Lin ,
Co u ciebie? Jak się czujesz? U mnie wszystko w porządku. W ostatni weekend byłam w Krakowie i zwiedzałam zoo. Jest tam naprawdę dużo różnych zwierząt. Najbardziej podobały mi się foki , które właśnie były karmione. Gdy podeszłam bliżej zostałam ochlapana przez skaczącą do wody fokę. Zwierzęta żyją tam w bardzo dobrych warunkach. Mają duże klatki gdzie mogą się swobodnie poruszać. Bardzo mi się tam podobało, bo jest co zwiedzać i na pewno kiedyś jeszcze tam pojadę. Ty co myślisz o tym zoo ? Też uważasz że jest tam fajnie ? Czy ty w ogóle kiedykolwiek tam byłeś ? Jeśli nie to polecam ci zwiedzenie tego miejsca.
To tekst po angielsku :
Dear Lin
How are you? How are you feeling? At me everything all right. In the last weekend I was in Cracow and I visited the zoo. There are many different animals there really. The most I liked the sealskin coat which were just fed. When I went up closer I was splashed by the seal jumping into water. Animals live there in very good conditions. With have big cages where can freely move. Very much I there liked it, because he is what to tour and at one time there I will certainly still go. You what are you thinking about this zoo? Do you also think that it is there great? Generally speaking at any time there were you? If not I recommend you it touring this place.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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There are many different animals there really. - There are many different animals.
Animals live there in very good conditions. With have big cages where can freely move - They have big cages where they can freely move
Very much I there liked it, because he is what to tour and at one time there I will certainly still go- I like this place so much , because there is what to tour
and someday I'll come back to the zoo.
You what are you thinking about this zoo? - what do you think about this zoo?
Do you also think that it is there great? -Do you also think that there is great?
Generally speaking at any time there were you? - did you ever been at this place?
If not I recommend you it touring this place. - If not I recommend you to touring this place
Źle trochę.
Dear Lin
How are you? How do you feel? Here everything's all right. I was in Cracow and I visited Zoo last weekend. There are really many animals! I liked the seals the most, which were being fed when I came to see them. When I came closer, I became splashed by a seal that was jumping into water. Animals have there really good conditions. They have very big cages where they can move very easily. I really liked that place, because there are lots of things to see and I'm sure I'll back there one day. What do you think about that zoo? Do you think it's a nice place? Did you ever go there? If not, I really recommend you this place for visiting!