Ferns are the largest population of over nine thousand species, ferns class. Plants are very diverse. Some tree ferns are up to several meters in height, and the smallest is a tiny aquatic fern, few centimeters plants. The stem of ferns can be easily built, creeping rhizomes or as hidden in the ground. Most species of fern has large, green, often repeatedly pinnate or feather-like leaves. In his youth, they are coiled in the shape of a crosier. On the underside of the leaves are sporangia usually collected in piles, sometimes covered with a folded joint. Some species of ferns (eg, ostrich) has a list zarodnionośne (sporofile) otherwise educated than the list vain, assimilation (trofofile). This is called dimorphism of leaves. When the spores mature sporangia leave. Germinating produce green gametofit. In most species it is microscopic (about 5 mm in diameter), sercowatego shape. Gametofit is attached to the substrate is not just like a plant with roots, but through special chwytniki (ryzoidy) by means of which takes the water and mineral salts. On its underside creates radicals and sperm. Under suitable conditions (which requires the presence of water) followed by fertilization of egg cells, located in rodniach. The fertilized cell grows sporofit. Initially, it is inside rowija radicals, drawing him the necessary nutrients from the gametophyte. In the further course of development of sporofit gametofit transcends and becomes a fully independent plant. Ferns appeared on Earth in the geological period known as the Devonian, and more precisely in the middle Devonian, some 390-360 million years ago. The first pojwiły the tree ferns. However, only about 325 million years ago, the first proper ferns, which also includes ferns today. In the upper Permian of northern Pangea mainland spread fern family Osmundaceae (Osmundaceae). These are plants shrub, with short trunk and dense crown of leaves (often exceeding two meters in length). The Lower Cretaceous (140 - 97 million.) Has developed several new types of ferns, such as Acrostichopteris, Weichselia. In the Paleocene (66-55mln.) In what is now Italy fern growing in a row Ophioglossales, at the present time the government is represented by only one family nasięźrzałowatych (Ophioglossaceae). Ferns are characterized by the presence or divided leaves całobrzegich płonych of spores embedded in the top part and forming a panicle or spike zarodnionośny.
Ferns are the largest population of over nine thousand species, ferns class. Plants are very diverse. Some tree ferns are up to several meters in height, and the smallest is a tiny aquatic fern, few centimeters plants. The stem of ferns can be easily built, creeping rhizomes or as hidden in the ground. Most species of fern has large, green, often repeatedly pinnate or feather-like leaves. In his youth, they are coiled in the shape of a crosier. On the underside of the leaves are sporangia usually collected in piles, sometimes covered with a folded joint. Some species of ferns (eg, ostrich) has a list zarodnionośne (sporofile) otherwise educated than the list vain, assimilation (trofofile). This is called dimorphism of leaves. When the spores mature sporangia leave. Germinating produce green gametofit. In most species it is microscopic (about 5 mm in diameter), sercowatego shape. Gametofit is attached to the substrate is not just like a plant with roots, but through special chwytniki (ryzoidy) by means of which takes the water and mineral salts. On its underside creates radicals and sperm. Under suitable conditions (which requires the presence of water) followed by fertilization of egg cells, located in rodniach. The fertilized cell grows sporofit. Initially, it is inside rowija radicals, drawing him the necessary nutrients from the gametophyte. In the further course of development of sporofit gametofit transcends and becomes a fully independent plant. Ferns appeared on Earth in the geological period known as the Devonian, and more precisely in the middle Devonian, some 390-360 million years ago. The first pojwiły the tree ferns. However, only about 325 million years ago, the first proper ferns, which also includes ferns today. In the upper Permian of northern Pangea mainland spread fern family Osmundaceae (Osmundaceae). These are plants shrub, with short trunk and dense crown of leaves (often exceeding two meters in length). The Lower Cretaceous (140 - 97 million.) Has developed several new types of ferns, such as Acrostichopteris, Weichselia. In the Paleocene (66-55mln.) In what is now Italy fern growing in a row Ophioglossales, at the present time the government is represented by only one family nasięźrzałowatych (Ophioglossaceae). Ferns are characterized by the presence or divided leaves całobrzegich płonych of spores embedded in the top part and forming a panicle or spike zarodnionośny.
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