Proszę o skorygowanie wszelkich błędów, przecinków, przyimków (oraz ich braków) i wszelkich innych.
When I was in Warsaw I decided to visit popular shopping center. it was Saturday - day, when a lot o people do shopping. Inside edifice was stuffy and hot, crowd became increasing. When I fit next blouse I noticed young pregnant woman. She was very pale and looked worried. I approached her blindy and I asked about frame of mind. Suddenly, woman fainted - I was so scared. Together with other people I started to help her. I tried to revive her - after a few moments she regained senses. I gave her a glass of water but - because she said that her stomach hurts - I called an ambulance The other doctor came quickly, examined woman and taken to the hospital. Next day I got very nice message - "Greetings from happy mummy :) and small Kubuś :)".
Wszelkie odpowiedzi typu "wszystko jest dobrze" będą usuwane, błędy specjalnie zostały gdzie niegdzie dodane ;) Poproszę o korygacje wszelkich błędów, ewentualnie napisanie danego zdania po swojemu (w ostateczności).
PS: daję naj
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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it was Saturday - day, when a lot o people do shopping.
W tym zdaniu powinno być tak:
- "It" z dłużej litery
- pomiędzy "lot" a "people" powinno być wstawione "of"
- Zamaist "do shopping" to powinno być "was shopping"
- przed "day" powinno być "the day"
Zdanie powinno wyglądać tak:
It was Saturday, the day when a lot of people was shopping.
najj? :)