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Piszesz List do kolegi w odpowiedzi na jego list z prośbą o pomoc w wyborze zwierzęcia. * Cieszysz się że prosi ciebie o pomoc i powiedz że to dobry pomysł. *Poleć wybrane zwierzę podając powody. * Zaproponuj gdzie może je nabyć,jak należy się nim opiekować. *Wyraź nadzieję że pomogłeś i poproś by poinformował o swojej decyzji.
I happy to give you my advice on buying a pet. I love animals and I will be glad to help you with choosing a right pet for you. It is a really good idea that you decided to ask me for help, because I know a lot about animals. It is because my brother works in a pet shop. The best pet for you would be a hamster. You never had a pet before, so it would be good to start with something small and easy to lock after. Hamsters are easy going animals, they do not need to much attention. You can buy them at any pet shop in your town. Hamster like to eat wegetables and seeds. You can keep them in a small hutch. I hope that I helped you a little bit. Please write to me about your final choice. Good luck! George
I happy to give you my advice on buying a pet. I love animals and I will be glad to help you with choosing a right pet for you. It is a really good idea that you decided to ask me for help, because I know a lot about animals. It is because my brother works in a pet shop.
The best pet for you would be a hamster. You never had a pet before, so it would be good to start with something small and easy to lock after. Hamsters are easy going animals, they do not need to much attention. You can buy them at any pet shop in your town.
Hamster like to eat wegetables and seeds. You can keep them in a small hutch.
I hope that I helped you a little bit. Please write to me about your final choice. Good luck!