Proszę o przygotowanie wypowiedzi ustnej około 6 zdań dla 1 pytania 17. What is important when negotiating? 18. What is important when selling a product effectively? 19. What should a good salesperson be like? 20. What is important when starting an enterprise? 21. What is important when running an effective meeting?
17. It's importing to stay calm during whole negotation. You also need to have good arguments. You can't forget about bringing up yours achievements and andvantages. Everyone has to respect their conversationalist. 18. It's good to know your opponent's prices. Company has to create a desire in people's hearts. Company has to be also highly creative and comes up with new ideas. 19 He or she should look trustworthy. Saleperson during conversation with a client should use consumer's feelings. He or she should be also open-minded and intelligence to hold all talks. We also can't forget about treating buyers with respect.
18. It's good to know your opponent's prices. Company has to create a desire in people's hearts. Company has to be also highly creative and comes up with new ideas.
19 He or she should look trustworthy. Saleperson during conversation with a client should use consumer's feelings. He or she should be also open-minded and intelligence to hold all talks. We also can't forget about treating buyers with respect.