Proszę o przetłumaczenie tekstu na j. angielski. Musi być bardzo dobrze. To są takie zmyślone informacje na projekt :) _____________________________________________________________________ Groźna bestia grasuje w okolicy. Mieszkańcy gminy Rymanów drżą z niepokoju. Dziki kot, prawdopodobnie puma, grasuje w okolicznych lasach i polach. Ślady dzikiej bestii, która od miesięcy terroryzuje całą pobliską okolicę, widziało już kilku mieszkańców województwa podkarpackiego. Dużego kota widziano rano w okolicach cmentarza przy działce rolnika, gdzie zaatakował krowy. Na poszukiwanie groźnego drapieżnika wyruszyli już miejscowa ludnośc, sołtys,policjanci oraz straż pożarna. Do polowania na drapieżnika wykorzystywany jest również pies tropiący. Wszelkie informacje na ten temat prosimy zgłaszać na policję lub do straży pożarnej. __________________________________________________________________
Powitanie wiosny. Dnia 21 marca 2010r. odbył się konkurs na najlepszą marzannę. Spośród 100 zgłoszonych, jury wybrało dwie najlepsze marzanny, które posłużyly na przywitanie wiosny. Przewodnicząca jury Jadwiga Kasperkowicz ogłosiła wynik. Wygrały marzanny: ,,Krysia" i ,,Marysia". Zostały one spalone i wrzucone do pobliskiej rzeki. Cała wieś obserwowała to wydarzenie. Wszyscy uczestnicy z niecierpliwością czekają na kolejne przywitanie wiosny. ___________________________________________________________________ Plantator marihuany zatrzymany Policjanci z Rymanowa zatrzymali wczoraj mężczyznę, u którego znaleziono blisko 1 kg suszu konopi indyjskich. 20-latek uprawiał rośliny obok swojego domu, ukryte w polu kukurydzy. Sam też suszył narkotyk. Dzięki pracy operacyjnej funkcjonariusze Sekcji Kryminalnej KPP w Krośnie objęli podejrzeniem 20-letniego mieszkańca powiatu krośnieńskiego. Wczoraj przed południem zatrzymali 20-latka, u którego znaleziono blisko 1 kg suszu konopi indyjskich. Mężczyzna uprawiał marihuanę obok swojego domu, plantacja ukryta była w polu kukurydzy. Sam też suszył rośliny w prowizorycznych warunkach, w budynku gospodarczym. Razem z 20-latkiem zatrzymano towarzyszącego mu 32-letniego mężczyznę, którego po przesłuchaniu zwolniono. ___________________________________________________________________
Zgłoś nadużycie!
Menacing beast prowls in the area. The inhabitants of the municipality Rymanow trembling with anxiety. Wild cat, probably a mountain lion, prowling in the woods and fields. Traces of wild beasts, which for months, terrorizing all the nearby neighborhood, several residents have already seen Podkarpackie. Big cat seen the morning in the vicinity of the cemetery at the farmer's plot, where he attacked a cow. In search of a dangerous predator has already set off the local population, the village head, police and fire brigade. For predator hunting dog is also used Yahoo Messenger. All information on this topic, please report to the police or fire brigade. __________________________________________________________________
Welcome spring. On 21 March 2010. held a contest for the best Marzanna. Of the 100 submissions, the jury chose the two best madder, which was used to welcome the spring. The President announced the jury Jadwiga Kasperkowicz result. Won madder: "Krysia" and "Mary". They were burned and thrown into a nearby river. The entire village was watching this event. All participants eagerly await the next welcome the spring. ___________________________________________________________________ Marijuana grower arrested The police yesterday seized from Rymanow man who was found in nearly 1 kg of dried cannabis. 20-year-old cultivated plants near his home, hidden in a corn field. He himself was drying the drug. Due to the operational work of the officers of the Criminal Section of the CPP in Krosno took suspected 20-year-old district of Krosno. Yesterday morning they stopped 20-year-old, who was found in nearly 1 kg of dried cannabis. Male cultivate marijuana beside his home plantation was hidden in a corn field. He himself was drying plants in makeshift conditions in the building business. Together with the 20-year-old arrested on the accompanying 32-year-old man, which was released after the hearing.
The inhabitants of the municipality Rymanow trembling with anxiety. Wild cat, probably a mountain lion, prowling in the woods and fields. Traces of wild beasts, which for months, terrorizing all the nearby neighborhood, several residents have already seen Podkarpackie.
Big cat seen the morning in the vicinity of the cemetery at the farmer's plot, where he attacked a cow. In search of a dangerous predator has already set off the local population, the village head, police and fire brigade. For predator hunting dog is also used Yahoo Messenger. All information on this topic, please report to the police or fire brigade.
Welcome spring.
On 21 March 2010. held a contest for the best Marzanna. Of the 100 submissions, the jury chose the two best madder, which was used to welcome the spring. The President announced the jury Jadwiga Kasperkowicz result. Won madder: "Krysia" and "Mary". They were burned and thrown into a nearby river. The entire village was watching this event.
All participants eagerly await the next welcome the spring.
Marijuana grower arrested
The police yesterday seized from Rymanow man who was found in nearly 1 kg of dried cannabis. 20-year-old cultivated plants near his home, hidden in a corn field. He himself was drying the drug.
Due to the operational work of the officers of the Criminal Section of the CPP in Krosno took suspected 20-year-old district of Krosno. Yesterday morning they stopped 20-year-old, who was found in nearly 1 kg of dried cannabis. Male cultivate marijuana beside his home plantation was hidden in a corn field. He himself was drying plants in makeshift conditions in the building business. Together with the 20-year-old arrested on the accompanying 32-year-old man, which was released after the hearing.