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Nasza planeta jest piękna ale powoli staje się zanieczyszczona a klimat jest coraz gorszy. Każdy z nas może zapobiec temu działaniu wystaczy tylko kilka czynności a klimat i planetą będą lepsze i zdrowsze. Gaś światło w pustym pokoju - po co ma się palic światło skoro pokój jest pusty? zakręcaj kapiącą wodę - niech się nie marnuje ekologiczne torebki - rozkładają się szybciej niż zwyczajne z plastiku nie używaj samochodu - zamiast samochodem idź na piechotę lubjedź na rowerze ekologiczne żarówki - lepsze dla środowiska niż zwyczajne
Our planet is beautiful but he is slowly happening polluted and the climate is more and more bad. Each of us can prevent this action wystaczy only a few activities but the climate and will be a planet better and healthier. Put the light out in the empty room - what is up to palic light since is the room empty? turn dripping water off - let eco-friendly bags not be wasted - are unfolding more quickly than normal of plastic don't use the car - instead of go along car on foot lubjedź on a bike eco-friendly light bulbs - better for the environment than normal
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Our planet is beauty but it becomes dirtied slowly and climate is more and more it scandalise. Every of us can prevent this working wystaczy only several actions and climate and they will be planet better and healthier. Put out in empty room light - palic for what is light since room is empty? turn dripping water - let it does not be to waste ecological bags - decompose more quickly than ordinary from plastic do not use car - instead of car go on infantry lubjedź on bicycle ecological bulbs - better for environment than ordinary
Put out in empty room light - palic for what is light since room is empty?
turn dripping water - let it does not be to waste
ecological bags - decompose more quickly than ordinary from plastic
do not use car - instead of car go on infantry lubjedź on bicycle
ecological bulbs - better for environment than ordinary