Proszę o przetłumaczenie tego co napisałem poniżej( nie sciągać z neta ani translatorów). W ostatnią niedziele przyjechał do mnie mój kuzyn z Warszawy na wakacje. Gdy go zobaczyłem nie mogłem uwierzyć że tak się zmienił. Gdy go ostatnio widziałem miał kręcone włosy, był gruby i niski. teraz. Stał się dobrze zbudowanym i wysokim chłopcem. Jego Włosy są teraz proste. Jego styl ubioru też sie zmienił. Ubiera sie teraz bardziej modnie. Nosi luźne bluzki. Bardzo proszę o szybkie rozwiązanie z góry dziękuje.
On the last Sunday I went to my cousin in Warsaw for a holiday. When I saw him I could not believe that this has changed. When it last I saw he had curly hair was thick and low. now. He became a well- built and high-boy. His hair is now straight. His style of dress also has changed. She dresses up now more fashionably. He wears a loose blouse. I ask a quick solution in advance
On the last Sunday my cousin came from Warsaw for a holiday. When I seen him I couldn't believe that he has changed so much. When I seen him last time he had curly hair, he was fat and small. Now he became well build and tall boy. His hair are straight now. Also his style of clothing has changed. He dresses more fashionably. He wears baggy blouses now.
On the last Sunday I went to my cousin in Warsaw for a holiday.
When I saw him I could not believe that this has changed. When it last
I saw he had curly hair was thick and low. now. He became a well-
built and high-boy. His hair is now straight. His style of dress
also has changed. She dresses up now more fashionably. He wears a loose blouse.
I ask a quick solution in advance
On the last Sunday my cousin came from Warsaw for a holiday. When I seen him I couldn't believe that he has changed so much. When I seen him last time he had curly hair, he was fat and small. Now he became well build and tall boy. His hair are straight now. Also his style of clothing has changed. He dresses more fashionably. He wears baggy blouses now.