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zawsze musisz mieć kask. strój do jazdy konnej składa się ze spodni, ochraniaczy, butów i kasku. ty musisz też ubrać konia do jazdy.
ulubione rasy koni; na świecie jest dużo ras koni. każda rasa ma inne zdolności. Moją ulubioną rasą jest haflinger (nie tłumacz słowa "haflinger ;) ) ponieważ jest szybkim i ładnym koniem.
You must always have the helmet. the riding clothes consists of trousers, pads, shoes and the helmet. you must also dress the horse for the ride. favourite breeds of horses; there are many breeds of horses in world. every race has other abilities. He is my favourite race haflinger since is a fast and pretty horse.
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You always have to have a helmet. Riding outfit consists of pants, protectors, boots and helmet. You must also wear a horse to ride.
My favorite breed of horses: The world is a lot of breeds of horses. Every race has different abilities. My favorite race is HAFLINGER because it's fast and beautiful horse.
My favorite breed of horses:
The world is a lot of breeds of horses. Every race has different abilities. My favorite race is HAFLINGER because it's fast and beautiful horse.