Proszę o przetłumaczenie listu z wakacji. Tylko nie z translatora żadnego!!!
Witam panią,
chciałam opowiedzieć Pani o moich wakacjach,gdyż były świetne.
W tym roku wyjechałam do Niemiec na dwa tygodnie. Obejrzałam tam wiele ciekawych miejsc,oraz chodziłam po górach. Niestety nie mogłam dogadać się z nikim,ponieważ nie umiem języka niemieckiego,ale miałam tłumacza,który mi wszystko tłumaczył. bardzo mi się tam podobało. Czas leciał szybko,a pogoda była idealna. Po powrocie do domu pojechałam z przyjaciółmi nad jezioro Krasne. Byliśmy tam tydzień. Woda była ciepła,chociaż pogoda nam dopisała tylko w dwa dni. Pomimo tego nie traciliśmy czasu na nudę. Jestem bardzo zadowolona z wakacji,były wprost cudowne!
A Pani była gdzieś na wakacjach?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I welcome you, I wanted to tell you about my holidays, because they were excellent.
In this year I went for two weeks to Germany. I examined a lot of interesting places there, as well as I walked in the mountains. Unfortunately I could not reach an agreement with nobody, since I don't know German language, but I had the translator which explained everything to me. Very much I there liked it. The time flew quickly, and the weather was perfect. On my return home I went with friends to the Krasne lake. We were there week. Water was warm, although the weather for us was good only in two days. In spite of it we didn't waste time to boredom. Very much I am satisfied from holidays, they were simply beautiful!
And where you were on holidays?
Regards, ...
I welcome you, I wanted to tell you about my holidays, because they were excellent. This year I went for two weeks to Germany. I examined a lot of interesting places there, as well as I walked in the mountains. Unfortunately I could not reach an agreement with nobody, since I don't know German language, but I had the translator which explained everything to me. very much I there liked it. The time flew quickly, and the weather was perfect. On my return home I went with friends to the Krasne lake. We were there week. Water was warm, although the weather for us was good only in two days. In spite of it we didn't waste time to boredom. Very much I am satisfied from holidays, they were simply beautiful! And for you she was somewhere on holidays? I am greeting