Nasza wymarzona szkoła jest fioletowa i okrągła. Szkoła ma dwa piętra. Każde piętro ma innego koloru okna. Na terenie szkoły znajduje się duże,zielone boisko do piłki nożnej z pomarańczowymi bramkami ,stadnina dla koni, jeziorko, ławeczki i drzewa oraz ścieżka z kamieni do stadniny.
Our dream school is purple and round. The school has two floors. Each floor has a different color of the window. On campus there is a large, green soccer field with orange gates, horse for horse, lake, benches and trees and path of stones to the stud.
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Our dream school is purple and round. School has got two floors. All floors has got other color of window's.On campus there is a large, green soccer field with orange gates, horse for horse, lake, benches and trees and path of stones to the stud.
School has got two floors.
All floors has got other color of window's.On campus there is a large, green soccer field with orange gates, horse for horse, lake, benches and trees and path of stones to the stud.