Jestem na wakacjach za granicą w małym, uroczym miasteczku w Grecji. W pierwszym dniu, gdy tylko przyjechałam poszłam z moimi przyjaciółmi na spacer po miasteczku. Byłam bardzo podekscytowana i bardzo szczęśliwa. Mój pokój jest bardzo ładny! Gdy wyglądam przez okno widzę, morze , plaże i zielone lasy. Bardzo fajnie byłoby tu mieszkać ponieważ jest tu cicho i spokojnie. Można chodzić na plaże i kąpać się w morzu. W przyszłości bardzo chciałabym mieszkać w takim miejscu jak to. Nigdy nie nudziło by mi się a moja rodzina na pewno byłaby szczęśliwa w miejscu takim jak to.
I am on holiday abroad in the small, charming town in Greece. On the first day, as soon as I arrived, I went with my friends for a walk around the town. I was very excited and very happy. My room is very nice! When I look out the window I can see the sea, beaches and lush green forests. Very cool would it be to live here because it is quiet and peaceful here. You can walk to the beach and swimming in the sea. In the future, I would love to live in a place like this. Never boring to me and my family would certainly be happy in a place like this.
I am on holiday abroad in the small, charming town in Greece. On the first day, as soon as I arrived, I went with my friends for a walk around the town. I was very excited and very happy. My room is very nice! When I look out the window I can see the sea, beaches and lush green forests. Very cool would it be to live here because it is quiet and peaceful here. You can walk to the beach and swimming in the sea. In the future, I would love to live in a place like this. Never boring to me and my family would certainly be happy in a place like this.
mam na dzieję że pomogłam :) :) :) :) ::) ): ::):