Proszę o przetłuamczenie ;) oczywiscie to są sytuacje :)
1 zapytaj gdzie mozna odprowadzic bagaz 2 powiedz co masz w bagazu podrecznym 3 zapytaj o ktorej odlatuje twoj samolot 4 popros o pomoc w odnalezieniu twojego miejsca w samolocie 5 zapytaj gdzie mozesz przechowac bagaz 6 popros o bilet w przedziale dla niepalacych 7 zapytaj w informacji na ktorej stacji masz wysiasc 8 popros o bilet w jedna stronę do londynu 9 zapytaj z ktorego peronu odchodzi twoj pociag 10 powiedz starszej osobie ze miejsce obok ciebie jest zajete 11 powiedz kolezance ze musi sie przesiasc do innego pociagu 12 zapuytaj stiardesse czy potrzebna jest jej twoja karta pokladowa 13 powiedz mamie jak dlugo bedzie trwal lot do paryza 14 pinformuj przechodnia jak dojsc do najblizszego banku 15 zapytaj na ulicy gdzie jest najblizsza apteka 16 zglos na policje ze ukradziono ci bagaz 17 popros w aptece o lek na bol gardla 18 zapyutaj czy aby dojsc do apteki musisz skrecic w lewo na swiatlach 19 podaj u lekarza dwa objawy zatrucia pokarmowego 20 jestes przeziebiony powiedz lekarzowi co ci dolega i jakie masz objawy 21 powiedz koledze ze masz lyknac jedna tabletke dziennie 22 powiedz policji ze kradziez zdarzyla sie diwe ulice dalej 23 zapytaj ile kosztuje lek na opazennia sloneczne 24 powiedz rodzicom ze byłes swiatkiem wypadku 25 powiedz kolezance ze zle wyglada i musi isc do lekarza 26 opisz jak ubrany byl zlodziej 27 poinformuj przechodnia ile kosztuje wstep do muzeum sztuki 28 powiedz policjantowi ze widziales wypadek na przejsciu dla pieszych 29 zapytaj w informacji gdzie sa wuzki bagazowe 30 zapytaj na lotnisku czy bedziesz przechdoził przez kontrolę celna
1. Excuse me! Where am I supposed to accompany this luggage?
2. In luggage I have dry food and small knick-knacks.
3. Which my aeroplane is taking off about?
4. Excuse me! For me could you help to find my place?
5. where can I put luggage away?
6. I will ask non-smokers in the period for persons for the ticket.
7. Good day! She could in order for me which station to tell you on am I supposed to get off?
8. I will ask for a single ticket to London.
9. Excuse me! Which platform is my train going away from?
10. Madam! It is taken the place!
11. Hi! Unfortunately you will have to change to other train.
12. I welcome! Will my card be needed?
13. Mum! My flight to Paris will last 12 hours.
14. Good day! If only to join that bank you must go straight, and then it is only necessary to turn left.
15. I apologise to you! Where here is the nearest chemist?
16. You Policeman! Some kids stole my luggage!
17. I will ask for Strepsil !
18. Whether I must turn left in order to reach the chemist?
19. Good day Doctor! Very much a belly aches me and I often vomit.
20. I welcome Doctor! Probably I will have influenza, because very much a head aches me, I have the terrible hoarseness and to trgo I am coughing.
21. Hi! I must take one pill per day.
22. You policeman! Two streets farther were robbed shop!
23. Good evening! How much medicine he costs on of sunburn?
24. Mum, Dad! I could see the accident beneath the ice-cream shop!
25. Hey, something you are looking uncertain! Perhaps you will take a walk to the doctor?
26. The thief had the black hat, on the face established mask, and so generally that's all had black.
27. I welcome you! The admission to the Museum costs thirty five zlotys Pieces.
28. You policeman! There in that street I could see the accident!
29. I apologise to you, where carts are?
30. Do I apologise to you, I can learn whether I will be going through a customs inspection?
pozdrawiam .^^
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1. where be discharged the luggage? 2. what you have in your hand luggage? 3. what time does your plane? 4. 5. where can I store my luggage? 6. please ticket without smoking 7. 8. Please one-way ticket to London 9. 10. sorry this place is busy. 11. you have to change to another train 12. 13. 14. 15. where is the nearest pharmacy? 16. 17.please the remedy for a sore throat 18. sorry if to arrive at the pharmacy I have to turn left at the traffic lights? 19. 20 I'm cold. I have a runny nose, cough and my throat hurts. 21 I have to swallow one tablet daily 22. theft occurred two streets away 23. how much is a treatment for sunburn? 24. 25. you not the best look. go to your doctor 26. 27. admission to the museum of art free ... 28 I saw an accident on a pedestrian crossing 29. excuse me, where are the luggage carts? 30. I passed through customs protection?
Excuse me!
Where am I supposed to accompany this luggage?
In luggage I have dry food and small knick-knacks.
Which my aeroplane is taking off about?
Excuse me!
For me could you help to find my place?
where can I put luggage away?
I will ask non-smokers in the period for persons for the ticket.
Good day!
She could in order for me which station to tell you on am I supposed to get off?
I will ask for a single ticket to London.
Excuse me!
Which platform is my train going away from?
It is taken the place!
Unfortunately you will have to change to other train.
I welcome!
Will my card be needed?
My flight to Paris will last 12 hours.
Good day!
If only to join that bank you must go straight, and then it is only necessary to turn left.
I apologise to you! Where here is the nearest chemist?
You Policeman!
Some kids stole my luggage!
I will ask for Strepsil !
Whether I must turn left in order to reach the chemist?
Good day Doctor!
Very much a belly aches me and I often vomit.
I welcome Doctor!
Probably I will have influenza, because very much a head aches me, I have the terrible hoarseness and to trgo I am coughing.
I must take one pill per day.
You policeman!
Two streets farther were robbed shop!
Good evening!
How much medicine he costs on of sunburn?
Mum, Dad!
I could see the accident beneath the ice-cream shop!
Hey, something you are looking uncertain!
Perhaps you will take a walk to the doctor?
The thief had the black hat, on the face established mask, and so generally that's all had black.
I welcome you!
The admission to the Museum costs thirty five zlotys Pieces.
You policeman!
There in that street I could see the accident!
I apologise to you, where carts are?
Do I apologise to you, I can learn whether I will be going through a customs inspection?
pozdrawiam .^^
2. what you have in your hand luggage?
3. what time does your plane?
5. where can I store my luggage?
6. please ticket without smoking
8. Please one-way ticket to London
10. sorry this place is busy.
11. you have to change to another train
15. where is the nearest pharmacy?
17.please the remedy for a sore throat
18. sorry if to arrive at the pharmacy I have to turn left at the traffic lights?
20 I'm cold. I have a runny nose, cough and my throat hurts.
21 I have to swallow one tablet daily
22. theft occurred two streets away
23. how much is a treatment for sunburn?
25. you not the best look. go to your doctor
27. admission to the museum of art free ...
28 I saw an accident on a pedestrian crossing
29. excuse me, where are the luggage carts?
30. I passed through customs protection?
nie wszystkie są bo nie wiedziałam xd